Robert Alexander’s- WPSD’s Home Experts Liveline

Please follow the link below to watch Robert Alexander as he answers the following questions on this episode of WPSD’s Home Experts Liveline.

Click here to view this Home Experts Video

1. What are the advantages of having an indoor arena?
2. How new is the online auctions?
3. What is the difference between an auction & an absolute auction?
4. Would I make more money if I waited till the end of the year to have an auction when you don’t have as many auctions?
5. How long does it take from the time you consult to the time of the auction?
6. Is there a place you can drop off items for an auction?

Do you have a question you’d like to have answered? If so, submit that question by emailing

What our clients say

February 26, 2019 Dear Robert, Jeanne, Staci and Ashley, My husband, Buel, joins me in congratulating you on 35 years of amazing business success. There is no doubt that you have the premier auction/realty company in a very wide region of the U.S. Your cutting edge marketing, your honesty, and your personal attention to customers is exceptional. Faith and family are your guides in business and in life. You have true class. You are unpretentious. You are not boastful or arrogant. You treat everyone with respect and friendship. Your Christian family values are evident. My family and I feel fortunate to know you and to have experienced the fun and excitement of your live auctions and your great on-line auctions (kudos to Staci and Ashley!). We also appreciate the work you have done to support the St. Mary School System. Our daughter, Laura, is a St. Mary graduate and our granddaughter, Elizabeth, is a 5th grader there. The Robert Alexander family is truly a great asset to our community and beyond. May God continue to bless you and all your endeavors. Sincerely, Nancy Alexander

— Nancy Alexander